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What The Fuck Are You Waiting For? The Manual For Getting Your Shit Together

An in-your-face, sometimes confrontive, expertly revealing exposé of what stops you in life and how to get it out of your way. In this fast-paced and highly energized audio adventure, you’ll get clear on how to achieve the life and results you want and that you deserve.

By learning specific distinctions that stop you and key assets that release the giant inside, you will become a relentless and unstoppable success driving machine.

It’s not fluff. It’s hard-core strategies for mastering your destiny.

Tired of the same lack-luster, dull, boring, humdrum, drab, go-nowhere and monotonous thing?

Is every day more of a challenge than a success?

Are there things you’d like to be, do, or have that seem far away or even impossible?

 Are you consistently falling short of your potential in the areas of life, love, and business?

Have you gotten to the point where you wonder, what’s the point?

Well buck up, because What The Fuck Are You Waiting For is going to turn all those clichéd regrets and inadequacies into stone-cold Power Statements.

By transforming your perspective from victim or passive onlooker to victor and participant in the game of Engagement of Life your life will never be the same again.

 Written by Mr. Motivation® Michael J. Herman, “One of America’s foremost motivational forces” declared USA Today, the programming that’s been running the show is about to be changed. And for good!

“What the Fuck Are You Waiting For is different than any other program because of two unique factors.

1)   It’s short and it works immediately. No need for months, weeks, or even days to get results. Because it’s short, the effects of What The Fuck Are You Waiting For causes change instantaneously.


 2) It works because this book speaks to you the same way your subconscious mind works. It speaks the same language.

It jars in the same way.

It interrupts the same way you do.

It’s written n the same patterns by which you operate way down where you cannot hear the commands. It gets down to the subconscious where all your blocks, excuses, and yes, even your successes emenate.

So STOP playing a losing game.

Stop looking for answers with no questions.

Stop stopping yourself from the complete manifestation that you were meant to be.

Start by getting your life in high gear and turbo charge your engine like a well tuned Formula One Race Car.

Read What The Fuck Are You Waiting For and START your New Life NOW!

I have watched incredibly talented people cower to their limitations and wither like a dried leaf in the rain. “Oh, poor me. I’m so helpless. I’m such a victim.” Oh, they may not say that in words, but their messages trumpet their true beliefs louder than they can speak.

Then there are the people who quite literally tell you how much of a victim they are. That’s all they ever talk about. It’s all they ever focus on.

Too many amazing people go to Heaven (or other), or just lay in their graves not having finished what they were sent here to do. Did I say finish? I meant start! In my estimation, this is a grotesque and horrid sin. It makes a complete mockery of the very creative process that manifested them. It begs the question, What The Fuck Are You Waiting For?

It’s not their faults.

Are they just scared? Or do they lack the skills, tools, or technology to access the invisible? Now with the help of Google and other apps, there is no valid excuse why someone can’t manifest at least some of what’s inside them.

With the conveniences of globally-based virtual assistants, cheap online talent for every possible need, and access to support and guidance, you can do anything. And that is not Pollyanna. It’s a fact. It comes down to whether you want to believe and embrace it, or throw up your hands and just admit that you don’t give a fuck.

Perhaps the biggest barrier to most people manifesting their greatness is the dreaded EXCUSE!


They make my skin crawl. They make the bile rise from my gut to a level that’s sickening.

The Great Werner Ehrhard (creator of the EST Movement and the Landmark Forum) teaches that everything we tell ourselves is nothing more than a story.

Everything we think, know, and believe boils down to a story. Sometimes they are good stories with happy endings and sometimes they are horrid and wicked stories that have no ending at all. They just keep being told for years, decades, and even lifetimes.

Someone I knew and loved very much lived their life believing a story they invented at the age of six that ruled their entire being until the final breath.

The cost of this was living in fear their whole life. Fear of success, fear or failure, fear of trying, fear of expressing themselves, fear of money and comfort, fear of good health, and yes… fear of being happy. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize this until they were gone from this life and it was too late.

What The Fuck Are You Waiting For? The Manual for Getting Your Shit Together


“Amazing! An incredible read. An absolute page-turner that made me confront and address the truths I’d been avoiding and the lies I’ve been denying. This book reads the same way I speak to myself. From page one I was transfixed and consumed by it.”

Samantha at UK BookMobile

“There’s no avoiding it once you read What The Fuck Are You Waiting For. It’s all right there. I was riveted by every page and in places I Had to put it down and pause from how real it got. I’m sorry I didn’t read this a long time ago.”

Ashley Lee, Registered Pediatric Nurse and Transformational Healer

“I absolutely loved it. Very inspiring and then even more.”

The CEO Magazine India